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Future Cost-Competitive Electricity Systems And Their Impact On US CO2 Emissions

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Future Cost-Competitive Electricity Systems And Their Impact On United States CO2 Emissions

With new HVDC lines to gain access to resources more effectively, the HRLG, MRMG and LRHG scenarios are anticipated to decrease power sector emissions by 33 percent, 61 percent, and 78 percent, respectively, compared to 1990 levels. In addition, consumers are expected to save as much as $47.2 billion annually under the LRHG situation, which is approximately the equivalent of a 10 percent reduction in electric bills or approximately 3 times the expense of the HVDC transmission builds annually

Future Cost-Competitive Electricity Systems and Their Impact on US CO2 Emissions, moneyed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and released in the Nature Climate Change journal, models the advantages of constructing an across the country HVDC transmission network designed to take advantage of eco-friendly and other low-carbon resources geographically dispersed throughout the country. Under such a network design, approximately 60 percent of U.S. power sector electrical power might be produced from wind and solar resources alone. The research study examines the emission reduction capacity of the transmission network revealed above under three scenarios:.

A high-cost sustainable and inexpensive natural gas (HRLG) circumstance;.
A low-cost sustainable and high-cost gas (LRHG) scenario in which the United States attains future; expected cost reductions for renewable resource and sees increased demand for gas; and.
A mid-cost eco-friendly and mid-cost gas (MRMG) situation, which averages the HRLG and LRHG situations.

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