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How Many Carbon Emissions Did Our Customers Avoid in 2020?

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Hey, perhaps you dont actually go around determining the carbon footprint of the typical cross-country flight. Thats what making a difference for the planet feels like.Whether youve been with us since the beginning or youre simply beginning on the course to a cleaner and greener future, were thrilled to see the impact we can make together. And if you see these numbers and want to be a part of making a difference for the planet, theres no time like now to join our mission.See the advantages of renewable energy >> Learn about sustainable energy sources >> See how customer choice assists us bring renewable energy to more communities >> * Driving statistic based on a house using 2,000 kWh per month and an annual vehicle mileage of 15,000 miles.Cross-country flight figure based on the average pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced per passenger mile in a business plane traveling a range of 2,470 miles from Los Angeles, CA, to New York, NY.Tree figure based on the average pounds of CO2 stored by a moderate development wood tree planted in a city environment over a 60-year lifetime.Plastic bottle recycling figure based on a typical home use of 2,000 kWh per month and the average carbon footprint of a 16.9 oz PET plastic bottle as identified by the American Chemistry Council.House light statistic based on a typical yearly 867 kWh per month intake per U.S. household.Coffee fact based on the average annual use of coffee makers and espresso machines as rated by ENERGY STAR.Cowboy hat figure based on the typical volume of a 10-gallon Stetson cowboy hat and the gaseous density of CO2.Taxi figure based on the ranked fuel economy of a New York City taxi, the average distance of a single taxi trip, and the average miles driven per 12-hour shift by an NYC taxi driver.Cheesesteak fact based on the wattage of an electric-range frying pan and the typical cooking time of a genuine Philly Cheesesteak sandwich.Millennium Park fact based on the gaseous density of CO2 and the total acreage of Millennium Park.

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