Changing your current energy system over to solar energy can really help save you money down the road. Having said that, understand that solar panels are a significant investment for you. Ensure that going with solar energy is the cost-effective solution for you. Continue reading to educate yourself about solar energy so that you can decide whether or not it’s the right choice for you.
You can reduce your energy bills and protect the environment by using solar panels to heat water. Solar water heating systems include tankless designs as well as tank designs. They can easily be installed up on your roof to take advantage of the sun’s energy.
Although adding a solar system is a big job, it does not take any major renovations. You can make good use of solar energy with simple systems like standalone outdoor lighting. These will charge during the day and then shine all night.
Be aware of the fact that there are a couple of different kinds of photo-voltaic solar energy panels. Poly-crystalline panels are generally less expensive; however, they are not as efficient as mono-crystalline panels. It makes the most sense to buy the highest-efficiency product possible if you intend to power your house with solar energy.
Tax credits are often available for users of solar energy. You could receive a rebate of around 30 percent. Just look online to find more information on the subject, or you could contact the local representative.
If you’ve installed panels, keep an eye on the inverter. You should see a green light which means all is in order. If the light blinks or is not on, you have to get a professional. It’s almost impossible for most panel owners to diagnose problems. Check the warranty on your solar system to see if maintenance is covered.
It is not necessary to be hooked up to power grids in order to connect solar power systems. You can choose to be independent if you are ready to invest in a battery and a backup generator. You can say goodbye to your monthly electric bill and can even be paid by the electric company if you produce excess power that they buy from you.
A solar heating system for your water is very helpful to the environment. You can choose from several different types of solar water tanks. They’re affordable to install and save you money.
When you reach the point of your life where you’re a homeowner, going full blown solar makes sense. If you are currently making payments, you are just adding an additional monthly cost which could put you in serious financial trouble.
As far as solar panels go, bigger is not always better. There are many factors to consider before buying a solar panel. Some features you should look at are the warranty, the materials it is made out of, and the wattage. You should carefully go over everything before making a decision.
Solar Energy
If you are going to rent a solar energy system rather than purchasing it, be sure the contract you sign allows you to transfer the lease. If you decide to sell your house, you’ll still have to pay for the lease if you can’t transfer it. This can pass the benefits of a solar energy system to the next homeowner and save you money in the process.
Avoid pushy sales reps who work in the business of solar energy. You will run into a lot of them when you start looking for a solar energy system. Just let them know that you plan to think things over before making any deals. If it’s a good deal today, it will be tomorrow. Decisions made under pressure usually cost more in the long run.
When considering a water heater powered by the sun, be realistic regarding its costs and benefits. Even the best models will only reduce your power consumption by 1/3. Second, don’t assume showers in the dark morning mean cold water. Solar water heaters will keep your water warm upwards of 24 hours.
Leasing a set-up is a great way to start the switch to solar power. This can reduce your payments dramatically while giving you the same benefits.
There are many tax credits, rebates and incentives to help you offset the initial costs of solar power. In some cases, the government will give you a rebate on the system, which helps to defer some of the initial cost. Find out if you can get this where you live by looking on the Internet or speaking with a local representative.
If you are considering giving your business to a solar energy company, check on its financial standing first. You should aim to work with companies who will likely be in existence for many more years. This is important for your warranty coverage should you ever need a replacement.
Even though some solar energy companies fail, solar energy isn’t failing. Your energy costs at home could decrease significantly with solar energy usage. Local companies are the best choice because they can help you whenever you need it.
You should be able to find a quality solar-powered water heater for five thousand dollars. Think about how fast you will earn that back through savings and then continue forward in the green for years and years. In addition, if you are hesitant to convert your entire home into solar energy, you can start out by switching only a few things at one time.
It is important to regularly check your solar energy system, including the inverter. You are looking for a steady, green light. An indicator light that is off or is blinking is cause for an expert. It’s almost impossible for most panel owners to diagnose problems. A visit from a technician should be free if you bought panels with a 25-year warranty, which is common.
You can have all the sunlight in the world, but if your roof is covered with shade, it won’t matter one bit. If someone tells you that you can reap the full benefits of solar energy regardless of access to direct sunlight, steer clear. This just isn’t true.
With this new information, you ought to have a good understanding of whether solar makes good sense for you. Solar energy is often an excellent energy option; however, if your home doesn’t get good sunlight, it may not be the best choice for you. Follow these tips to decide whether or not solar energy is your best energy option.