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SpaceX Now Accepts Dogecoin for Satellite Launch Payments

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SpaceX releasing satellite Doge-1 to the moon next year
— Mission spent for in Doge– 1st crypto in area– 1st meme in space
To the mooooonnn!!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2021.

To be more specific, a business named Geometric Energy Corporation will release the DOGE-1 mission. Discussing it as a cube-satellite constructed to gather “lunar-spatial intelligence” with a variety of meters, cameras, and sensing units. That CubeSat will fly to the moon aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2022, paid for my Dogecoin. See, its all coming cycle.
This is excellent news for Dogecoin owners after the crypto had a rather rough week, for what its worth. Gaining steam for over a week up until Elon Musks Saturday Night Live reference triggered it to drop more than 30% over night. This news could be exactly what it needs to break the $1 price point.
Whether youre an experienced crypto investor fed up with becoming aware of Doge or a new investor looking to capitalize the chaos, we still have a method to precede seeing how this thing ends. Just like any sort of cryptocurrency or investing, its constantly a risk when you put your cash in and you could lose it all. We, naturally, arent financial consultants.
Fans all over Reddit and Twitter keep stating Dogecoin is going to the moon, and now it actually will, so youll want to HODL those coins.
through: The Verge.

Elon Musks SpaceX will obviously take Dogecoin to the moon, actually, in 2022. Not to mention Tesla executive Elon Musk and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban keep talking it up.

That CubeSat will fly to the moon aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2022, paid for my Dogecoin. Gaining steam for over a week till Elon Musks Saturday Night Live mention caused it to drop more than 30% overnight.

Elon Musks SpaceX will apparently take Dogecoin to the moon, literally, in 2022. This week, SpaceX revealed its now accepting the cryptocurrency as payment to help introduce the “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon.” A relocation that might possibly send out the coin and your portfolio to brand-new heights.
Dogecoin is a type of Cryptocurrency comparable to Bitcoin. Only the whole thing comes from a meme and is considered a “joke coin” by numerous in the space. Its a meme coin that continues to gain traction. Not to discuss Tesla executive Elon Musk and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban keep talking it up.

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